• Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici “Umberto Eco”, Sala Rossa
    44.4964888 11.3484837


Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici “Umberto Eco”, Sala Rossa
dalle 17:30 alle 19:30


In this lecture Perspectival Kinaesthetic Imaging is being proposed as a participatory anthropological methodology designed to facilitate the study of enactive signs and material semiotics (broadly defined as the science of material relations and signs).

Drawing on research and material from the ‘HANDMADE - Understanding Creative Gesture in Pottery Making’ project (sponsored by European Research Council) I will be focusing on the relationship between making and thinking, during the creative engagement with form-generating materials.

Perspectival Kinaesthetic Imaging is employed in the context of multi-sited participatory observation adapted to facilitate the multimodal sensitivity needed for the study of material enactive signification in the context of skilled material practices and creative material engagement.

The lecture will follow the ways of the hand, using a combination of multimodal visual captures (i.e., photography, video, observational drawing and mobile eye-tracking).

Each of these multimodal visual captures affords a specific spatio-temporal perspective from which to identify and observe morphogenetic events of interest (e.g. creative gestures and modes of enactive signification).

The basic idea is that the juxtaposition of different media affects how we observe and what can be observed, by enabling the discovery of semiotic connections and material relations which are often obscured when seen from a single perspectival point. 


Chi è Lambros Malafouris

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