• Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici “Umberto Eco”, Sala Rossa
    44.4964888 11.3484837


Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici “Umberto Eco”, Sala Rossa
dalle 16:00 alle 19:00

Prof. MalafourisAbstract

This seminar, drawing on research and using examples from our ongoing work in the context of the 'HANDMADE - Understanding Creative Gesture in Pottery Making' project, will attempt to show how a focus on the temporality of touch and the tactility of making can help us disambiguate the often discussed, but little understood, dialogue between maker and material.

Our main thesis is that with increasing levels of skill, tactile perception plays an active role in transforming a mere kinetic interaction (where potter and clay causally respond to each other) into a multi-modal kinaesthetic transaction (where the potter becomes attentive to the expressive affordances of clay and recursively the clay becomes responsive to the creative affordances of the potter's hand). We call this situational attunement or resonance between the potter and clay hap.


Chi è Lambros Malafouris

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